A few days ago it was a monk day here in Thailand.
This is a special day based on the moon calender, during which many people go to a temple to give some offerings to the monks.
In the early morning I went to a temple to record the sound of the chanting of the prayers for you.
Mind you there might be the occasional rooster in the background, some birds etc.
I will tell you were you can hear these in a minute.
The recording I put up is only one tenth or so from the whole thing.
But it is the interesting part.
This is the part during which people would let a gentle stream of water flow from their cup or bottle on a plate.
This water, which absorbed the positive energy of the prayer, is than given to a tree.
There is a picture of that on my facebook somewhere.
Anyway there is a lot of intent focused on nurturing the monks and non physical beings at that time.
In Thailand it is believed that on such days you shouldn’t be outside around 3-4 in the night.
Since ghosts will be wandering around more numerously as they can feed on the offerings.
Now the interesting thing is that this traditional belief that gets past on through generations…
even when people might not be able to see or feel the spirits…
it actually has some truth to it.
In Bali too, one of my teachers said that this time is the time during there is more interaction between the spirit world and
this world.
My own experiences confirms this.
You can hear the recording I made of this Buddhist chanting in the temple here.
It sounds pretty cool and might touch you profoundly.