A while ago I was attending a ceremony where
people performed a Balinese dance.
The version I saw was pretty different from the
one shown daily to tourists here.
At a certain point several people start to go into
trance. I was lucky and just caught it on
camera when it all started.
In this video a woman suddenly goes into trance,
people bring her forward and she starts to dance…
After this several other people drop into a
trance state too. Note that there are also
children present, so they get used to this sort
of thing from a young age.
At the end of the ritual, people are released
out of this trance state. Often they don’t remember
Sometimes spirits go into them, and
sometimes these want something before they go
out. The spirit which went into this man asked
for wine. The man drunk 1 liter wine in less
than a minute.
De geest die in de man kwam vroeg eerst wijn voordat
hij wou vertrekken. Waarop de man een liter wijn in een
keer opdronk.
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