Category Archives: law of attraction
Working With The Law Of Attraction Or Manifesting To Shape Your Destiny And Create Your Future
In this short video I share how your thoughts shape your destiny, manifest your future, on the psychological level.
Letting Go – How To Do It
“Hi Conrad, During my search for personal growth, I learned to vividly visualise the thing you would like to see happen in your life, and then let it go. Visualizing and vividly imagining goes very well. The letting go only sometimes. The strange thing is that these things really come to you. Only the letting go…
Karma And The Law Of Attraction
The last couple of years the concept of the law of attraction has become very popular. In my book with Jack Canfield and Jack Zufelt, I write about how this concept contains a false metaphor. At the level of matter, it might seem that the result (that which you think you are attracting) is caused…
Why The Law Of Attraction Is Not Working For You
The Law Of Attraction presupposes you attract something to you, draw something from outside towards you. it is better to explain the process in terms of creation, or manifesting. During the process you go to the level of mind where everyone and everything is connected with each other and create something by using your mind…