Category Archives: mind power
The Fifth Law Of Consciousness: Clairvoyance and Remote Viewing
All right, the fifth law of consciousness… … drum roll… Everything with which you have an energetic connection, can transfer information TO your consciousness from that with which you are connected. There are so many practical examples which illustrate this principal. This is for example how psychometry works. With psychometry you hold an object or…
There Is Mold On Your Rice!
Last time I explained how you can move energy into an object. As well that water is a good medium to carry energy and the information contained in it. In case you missed the previous laws of consciousness, you can find an overview here: Law 1 Law 2 Law 3 Law 4 I received a…
[Video] A Motivating And Inspiring Story
I saw this video in Thailand recently. Sure it is an advertisement for a coffee that helps you loose weight… But it is a nice story about motivation. A young girl has to endure being called fat all the time. An old wise woman tells her about a well, where if you offer water to…
Telepathic Rats? Telepatic Communication With Animals
Scientist have been experimenting with brain – to – brain communication between rats. Of course it is not such a far fetched thing to wonder if the brain isn’t transmitting some sort of signal anyway…. …apart from the electronic, which can be received and understood by another brain. But that is not the direction of…
[Video] Bulletproof man through magical object
In this news broadcast you can see a man in the jungle in Indonesia, who has a magical ring that protects him from bullets. The man was wanted by the police related to some drug crimes. The police fired a bit over 100 bullets at the guy. And this guy didn’t get any injuries. After…
How to get motivated? Yoga secrets for mental strenght.
Check out this guy… How he finds purpose and lets that be the fuel for his motivation to transform. WAY beyond the limits others had imposed onto him. Doctors defined his limits, near sighted yoga teachers pushed him away. Most people would have given up… but not this guy. Be inspired! Far to often society,…