Category Archives: Consciousness
The State Of The Human Evolution [2016]
I’m still observing an evolution in which humanity is mainly focused on technological advancement. External evolution. An much less on inner evolution. The inner, spiritual evolution of course doesn’t stop, since it is a core human need. A lot of the technological advancements puts more pressure on the human mind to process more stimuli and…
The Fifth Law Of Consciousness: Clairvoyance and Remote Viewing
All right, the fifth law of consciousness… … drum roll… Everything with which you have an energetic connection, can transfer information TO your consciousness from that with which you are connected. There are so many practical examples which illustrate this principal. This is for example how psychometry works. With psychometry you hold an object or…
There Is Mold On Your Rice!
Last time I explained how you can move energy into an object. As well that water is a good medium to carry energy and the information contained in it. In case you missed the previous laws of consciousness, you can find an overview here: Law 1 Law 2 Law 3 Law 4 I received a…
The Fourth Law Of Consciousness
In the last couple of posts I shared several laws of consciousness. You can find them all here: Law 1 Law 2 Law 3 I already covered one of the consequences of the ability to move your center of consciousness outside your body. There is another consequence, which will become more clear through some examples.…
Law 3: Switch On The Self Healing Abilities
Ok, so far I have already shared the first two laws of consciousness. Law 1 Law 2 In previous episode I explained how you can move the center of your consciousness and that energy then follows there. Well this is very useful for healing. By focusing your awareness on some part of your body where…
Law 2: Consciousness For Healing And Personal Development
Yesterday I shared law 1, if you missed it, you can still read it here: Law 1 Law 2: Energy always follows your intent. So wherever your conscious awareness goes… energy follows. This means that if you bring your awareness to an area of your body, energy will amass there. And will keep gathering there…
Laws Of Consciousness
While going through the newspaper, I read about a Belgian scientist who won the Nobel price this year. This for his theory about a small particle which had actually been found to exist this year. The higgs- particle. It is pretty interesting actually. The higgs particle is what carries the higgsfield. It is through interaction…