Author Archives: Conrad Raw

The Banned Speech Of Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake writes about scientific ideas and experiments that are on the edge of what is currently known on the nature of reality. It was his research on “telephone telepathy” that lead to me doing a demonstration of telepathy on a European TV channel. A few months ago Rupert Sheldrake gave a speech at a…

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What Is The Kundalini And Chakra Activation Retreat About? Does Activating Kundalini Lead To Supernatural Powers?

In this video Conrad Raw explains a bit more about the process of awakening kundalini and activating chakra’s. Start your evolution on Facebook: Discover all about the program in Bali and fill in your application at:

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Telepathic Rats? Telepatic Communication With Animals

Scientist have been experimenting with brain – to – brain communication between rats. Of course it is not such a far fetched thing to wonder if the brain isn’t transmitting some sort of signal anyway…. …apart from the electronic, which can be received and understood by another brain. But that is not the direction of…

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Energetic Psychic Protection: How To Shield Yourself From Negative Energy

In this video an application by someone who has developed his energy to a certain level. The attacker invokes a strong negative energy charged with emotion. The other man stays centered.

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Inner Peace, Abundance And Intuition For The Average Man

Chira asked the following question: “I would like to fully understand how average people, just like me, can learn to gather and use inner power in a short period of time, so that they can receive and share inner peace, abundance and information from the unseen world around us. Shamans spend their whole lives trying…

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[Video] Bulletproof man through magical object

In this news broadcast you can see a man in the jungle in Indonesia, who has a magical ring that protects him from bullets. The man was wanted by the police related to some drug crimes. The police fired a bit over 100 bullets at the guy. And this guy didn’t get any injuries. After…

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How to get motivated? Yoga secrets for mental strenght.

Check out this guy… How he finds purpose and lets that be the fuel for his motivation to transform. WAY beyond the limits others had imposed onto him. Doctors defined his limits, near sighted yoga teachers pushed him away. Most people would have given up… but not this guy. Be inspired! Far to often society,…

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[VIDEO] Spirit Possession At A Haunted House

I saw this video on TV in Thailand. I want to share it because it is pretty unique to see this phenomena… You can see a possession by a ghost or entity. In this show they visit a house that has been abandoned for a few years. Some pretty nasty things happened in there and…

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Are Psychic Powers Dangerous?

A reader asked me if clairvoyance or remote viewing isn’t dangerous. This because an article from someone who claimed that if you are not pure, you would only see dark and evil things through clairvoyance and not the divine. Such an opinion stems from lack of practical experience. In order to use clairvoyance, you would…

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Working With The Law Of Attraction Or Manifesting To Shape Your Destiny And Create Your Future

In this short video I share how your thoughts shape your destiny, manifest your future, on the psychological level.

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